Can't do it without you!

Click on the button to donate
Use Venmo? @silentthreadsfilm
What you get:
$1-$24: our forever gratitude and a social media shoutout
· $25: downloadable version of the film once completed (approx April 2019)
· $50: the above + name in credits
· $100: the above + cast and crew signed poster
· $1000+: Producer credit + invite to set on shoot dates + invite to private cast and crew viewing party + special surprise gift
Why Contribute?
Besides giving you a good scare, our goal is to support and encourage other fierce women to reach their professional film goals.
Your contributions will directly help support:
young women entering the film industry through our mentoring
bringing awareness of women in film and specifically in the horror genre
Bellingham & Washington State indie filmmakers and talent
Your community, because again, we are hiring and spending locally!

Our Budget Breakdown:
$3000 goal
35% Cast & Crew ( editing, sound design, etc)
15% Practical FX, Props, Wardrobe
15% Equipment
10% Permits and location fees
15% Marketing, promoting, etc
10% Crafty and transportation